Lunch and Afternoon Snacks Provided Daily: Students have the extraordinary opportunity to dine with an
astronaut, gaining firsthand insights into the challenges
and rewards of space exploration.
Explorers Bus Tour of KSC: The explorer's
bus tour offers a comprehensive view of the Kennedy Space
Center, including behind-the-scenes access to restricted
Space Shuttle Atlantis℠ Twin IMAX® Theater 3-D Films: Immerse yoursELS in the world of space with cutting-edge
3-D films.
Shuttle Launch Experience®: Experience the
thrilling sensation of a shuttle launch through this
state-of-the-art simulation.
Special Viewing for Rocket Launches: If the
timing aligns, participants may have the opportunity to
witness an actual rocket launch.
General Bus Tour:Explore the various
attractions, shows, and exhibits at the Kennedy Space Center
Visitors Complex.